Monday, July 13, 2009

I noticed a man today...

Posted by Iris

In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful

I noticed a man today, walking by in the hospital. If I saw him, or someone like him, in my younger years, I would've noticed the quality of his clothes, reflecting his wealth...I would've noticed his shaved face and thought he was handsome. I would've noticed his new cell phone and thought he was up-to-date. Initially today, I noticed all the same things about this man...A young doctor in his late twenties, looking very stylish as he walked across the hall. But instead of noticing those things with admiration, something instead my head kept pointing out the worldliness of his disposition. His clothes, reflecting the western ideas of modernism; his cell phone, reflecting the amount of money he spends on himself; his hair and face didn't strike as handsome anymore either.
For those who like sticking to old proverbs like, "don't judge a book by it's cover" can stick to it. However, the cover is the one thing you will notice the most about any book. I think a majority of public would...and there's a reason why.


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